Mittwoch, Februar 07, 2007

8. First results of EU-Petitions against the exclusion policies of German Jugendämter (Report on EU-Committee on Petitions Meeting of 30 Jan., 2007)

Petitions of foreign parents of binational children in Germany who were excluded from their children by the Jugendamt (German Youth Welfare Offices) are having first results

Report on the EU-Committee on Petitions Meeting of 30 January, 2007

On January, 30th 2007 there was a meeting of the committee on petitions of the European parliament.

About 9:30/10 h point 14 of the agenda was treated: Petitions of the fathers and mothers Jochimsen, Kraszewski, Pokrzeptowicz-Meyer, Pomorski against German youth welfare offices because of human rights violations of the family life after separation/divorce of parents.

Since these parents do not see the possibility to reach the application of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice for human rights (compare ECHR judgements in cases Görgülü and family Haase), which is blocked by youth welfare offices, these parents have appealed to the European parliament to request of the German Federal Government to dissolve youth welfare offices as anti-European, anti-democratic organizations with nazistic background.

A declaration of the German Federal Ministry for family was rejected as insufficient by the committee during the meeting also for the reason that none of the youth welfare offices is subordinated to the German Ministry of family.

The Greek lawyer of the European legal commission, Gavrilidis, explained spontaneously and also assured to deliver their statement immediately because of violations of the articles 12 and 14 of the European contract, the UN convention of the Rights of Children and the UN convention on Human Rights. It is an untenable attack on the language and the nationality of the European Union members citizens in Germany. Mr. Kraszewski and Mrs. Pokrzeptowicz-Meyer discussed the state of affairs and independence of the youth welfare offices from the European law and appealed afterwards to the solidarity of all Europeans, who want to speak their own language with their children and to grant them to have acces to their children.

All members of the committee on petitions present in the meeting welcomed the initiative and congratulated to the petitionists. It was assured to deal all petitions concerning German youth welfare offices immediately with priority.

The chairman of the committee on petitions admitted in a television and a newspaper interview that he did not experience a so emotional and so spontaneous reaction of the members of the committee on petitions ever before.

This is a report of the petitionist Mr. Kraszewski of 05.02.2007 to attorney Ingo Alberti.


All youth welfare office-damaged parents, grandparents and children in Germany may send their own individual petitions about dissolution of the German youth welfare offices as fast as possible, since at present a guarantee of priority in dealing with them exists.

In it could be written on not much more than one sheet of paper at least approximately:


Youth welfare offices are to be abolished, because they have no legal or specialized supervision, are not instruction bound, put themselves over the human rights jurisdiction and conventions, and they are only influended by local youth welfare office politicians.

Free procedure, short description of a case or copies not necessarily.

To send directly to European delegation, Mr. Marcin Libicki, Secretary-General committee on petitions of the European parliament, Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Bruxelles or by fax at 00 32 - 22 84 68 44 Possibly send a copy to your delegate and to the press for information.


Rechtsanwalt Ingo Alberti
von-Galen-Str. 13
D-33129 Delbrück
Tel. +49 (0) 178 79 87 802
Internet-Fax 012 120 228 074 (12ct/min)

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